Monday, January 30, 2012

Eating for Christ

Hey everyone, I'm working on expanding my blog and the main way that I'm going to be doing that is through guest bloggers. I'd like to introduce you to my friend Tim, aka Timoshizaki. I've known Tim for over a decade, and he's one of my best friends. He'll be popping in monthly to write about God and life, and possibly more. So, without further ado, I present to you: Tim.

Okay hello everyone this is my first time blogging in a long time, :) This will be a different kind of blog okay... here goes.

     January 30th.    I have recently visited the doctor asking him if there was something wrong with my ears and if I should be concerned with them, he told me it was nothing saying that it is natural to have puffy (feeling).  Then later on he told me that he was concerned about me and my weight, that it has increased a little too fast, and how it would effect me later on.  Knowing about the consequences I decided that I must take action. I made a New Year's Resolution over at my friend Kimberly's house but that did not last long; within one hour I said to myself it begins tomorrow, and sooner or later I have completely forgotten about my promise about becoming healthy.

"We are to glorify God, so how can we glorify God if we eat for ourselves??"

         I have looked back at the pictures of my high school and said to myself how did I let myself become like this, being unhealthy and living in it, in my high school I was healthy and in shape being able to do many things, that I am not able to do today.  In many ways I have forgotten the old way and the old way kept me straight, keeping me in line, not indulging about with food or other things.  It was easy for me to admit it because of the results, but doing something about it will be the harder part, but with Christ anything is possible. 

         Eating so much I forgot about submission to God and that my body is a temple and that the spirit is within me so why would I want to make the body dirty, unhealthy, and unfit if I am called to do something... So back to the doctor. He was telling me how to eat when to eat, things to avoid. This made me feel much better also being able to have a clue on what to do about my weight. 

      So let me give you 4 reasons why God wants us to be healthy people.
                      1) It glorifies God
                      2) You're taking care your body- "God's temple"
                      3) It's being a good witness
                      4) You'll have more energy - be better equipped for what God has planned for you

1) In the Bible 1 Corinthians 10:31 that whatever we do we're to do it to the glory of God.
    Whatever we do we must glorify God in what we do, even in eating!!! We must be in control in what we eat and how we eat.  We are to glorify God, so how can we glorify God if we eat for ourselves??

2) 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. God's Holy Spirit lives inside a believer. After we accept Jesus into our hearts, God gives us His Spirit to help us live the kind of life He wants us to live.  This is about having a temple that we must take care of because He is in us, and it is quite difficult to live in a dirty home, don't you think?!  So we must clean, because God bought us back and with a high price!!  We must have a clean temple free from sin, but I am not saying that everything we do will always be clean but we can always clean us the mess, well you know what I mean.

3) Acts 1:8, reminds us that we are to be a witness to other people, having a healthy lifestyle can encourage people that may not know Christ again it is to Glorify God.  People are watching us on how we eat.  So we ought to live a healthy lifestyle.

4) Ephesians 2:10 helps us see that we are God's masterpiece, created to do the good things that He had planned a long time ago for us to do.  I know that this is important!! Because I have been on mission trips and when you eat healthy you can do things. You have more energy, and it helps us have lots of energy. I know as we grow older we will have less energy.  We can put more effort in what we do for the Lord, and in the long run we can do things for a longer amount of time.

We are created in the image of God and God wants to have people looking at him rather than the food that we intake.  And it is not just the food that we eat but it is many other things, but for now I just speak about food.  For those of you that need to get in shape or want to live a healthy life style I hope that somehow this can influence you and live a lifestyle of Christ.



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