I love books. Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of being able to read as many of them as I would like. Because of this, I like to look up book reviews by people that I trust to figure out which books are worth my time and which ones aren't.
I set forth to do this with the books that I read. I know that I'm not the only one who is busy, and that we need to make the most out of the time that we do invest in reading. I developed my own format for book reviews to provide, what I believe, is a clear glimpse of each book.
Below you'll find an alphabetical list (not including articles) of the reviews that I have written. As the list grows, the easiest way to figure out if I've written a review is to press "CTRL" + "F" on your keyboard (I think It's Command+F for you Mac users), then type in a key word of the title. I hope these help you!
The Go-Getter
I Will Teach You to be Rich
The Meaning of Marriage
More than a Carpenter