Monday, January 30, 2012

Eating for Christ

Hey everyone, I'm working on expanding my blog and the main way that I'm going to be doing that is through guest bloggers. I'd like to introduce you to my friend Tim, aka Timoshizaki. I've known Tim for over a decade, and he's one of my best friends. He'll be popping in monthly to write about God and life, and possibly more. So, without further ado, I present to you: Tim.

Okay hello everyone this is my first time blogging in a long time, :) This will be a different kind of blog okay... here goes.

     January 30th.    I have recently visited the doctor asking him if there was something wrong with my ears and if I should be concerned with them, he told me it was nothing saying that it is natural to have puffy (feeling).  Then later on he told me that he was concerned about me and my weight, that it has increased a little too fast, and how it would effect me later on.  Knowing about the consequences I decided that I must take action. I made a New Year's Resolution over at my friend Kimberly's house but that did not last long; within one hour I said to myself it begins tomorrow, and sooner or later I have completely forgotten about my promise about becoming healthy.