Wednesday, December 14, 2011

File Sharing

Hey guys,
I make things and write things and then I want to share them. This note is just a neat way for me to keep track of all the resources that I have written/made that are available for you to use.
I upload everything to my Google Docs account, so make sure that when you follow the link you click the button in the upper right corner that say "Download Original". That way you don't get stuck with the wacky Google Docs format.

I'll be updating this from time to time, and I'll bump this note each time I put a new resource here. They're broken down into categories. Hope these help!

Beginning Investing (.doc) - u/l: 12.14.2011
Budget Template (.xlsx) - u/l: 12.14.2011

Intro to Devotionals (.doc) - u/l: 12.14.2011
1 John 4:7-12 (.doc) - u/l: 12.14.2011


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