Title: EntreLeadership
Author: Dave Ramsey
Target Audience: Small Business leaders, particularly those with scalable businesses. But really, this book is good for anyone who is going to be in any leadership role.
How I Found It: I listen to Dave's podcast and radio show fairly frequently, and every once in a while he talks about this book.
Content - The Facts: Dave is writing this book as the book that essentially outlines his business structure. He talks about all sorts of things, from hiring and firing to benefits and wages to goals and missions and almost anything else that you could possibly need to consider as a small business owner.
Content - My Impressions: I really enjoyed this book. It was practical, and served as a good book on leadership. Even though I wasn't able to take everything he said and put it into practice, I can see how this book would be particularly useful for someone who has their own business.
The Bottom Line: If you're planning on being a leader, particularly in the business world, this is a good grab. I am planning on being in full-time vocational ministry, and I thoroughly enjoyed it and can see how many of these principles and insights can be applied to church organization.
Favorite Quotes: :( Unfortunately, I was on Audiobook again, and it's been a couple weeks since I finished it, so I don't remember any specific quotes. Blast those confounded Audiobooks. Although, I am able finish books much more quickly when I only have to listen to them...
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